Is it the air? The light? The ceaseless swishing of the waves? Artists have always been attracted to the sea. Ensor lived his entire life in Ostend. Paul Delvaux and Constant Permeke, who began their painting careers elsewhere, ended up stranded in the vicinity of the Flemish coast - and never left again.
With this Master Tour, you follow in their footsteps. From museums to the homes of the artists to picturesque churches, your connecting thread is the blue sea.
Discover these Flemish Masters in situ

Piet De Kersgieter

Piet De Kersgieter
Permekemuseum - Mu.ZEE

Piet De Kersgieter
Atelier Luc Peire

Piet De Kersgieter


Piet De Kersgieter


Who says sea says James Ensor

collection KMSKA, photo: Hugo Maertens, public domain